Show Your Support

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Supporting the Artists

Buying artists' work or donating to them gives the artist the cash they deserve and helps encourage the production of more great art! We charge nothing for artists to take donations and make sales through Inkbunny.

Donating to Inkbunny directly

We welcome direct donations to the Inkbunny site. We rely on donations to cover all operating costs. The hosting and community services we provide in return are FREE. We're always short on cash so if you'd like to see the site do even better, please donate directly to us. See the Donations page for more information!

Buy Inkbunny merchandise

Want to show your support at your local meet or convention, or just around the house? Head to Redbubble to buy clothing, mugs, device cases, pillows, bags and stickers featuring the winners of our T-shirt competitions. A portion of each purchase goes towards powering Inkbunny's servers.


The best way to volunteer your help in the Inkbunny art community is simply to lend a hand to newcomers. Inkbunny is a powerful and complex system. It takes time to learn the basics and then all the neat little tricks. Giving advice to new members and showing them how to get the best out of the system makes Inkbunny a better community for everyone.

When we need more Moderators, Coders or other official Volunteer staff members, we will make announcements through site news.

If you want to help us advertise, please place one of the following official ad banners on your site and have it link back to when clicked.

To see these banners you may need to disable Adblock Plus for this site and for and

ib_mitsene_ad_anim_small.gif [1]     (180x75px) Art by Mitsene

ib_30080_fullad_by_mitsene.gif [2]     (300x80px) Art by Mitsene

If you can't see the ad banners above, then you may have an ad blocker running in your browser. You need to add "" and "" to the ad blocker exceptions.

To help us lower bandwidth and data usage, please save the banner file to your own site and use your copy as the source where possible.

Monochrome square SVG/PNG versions of our main logo suitable for buttons can be found at

Hacks, Apps, Scripts, Mods and API

We actively encourage members to write external scripts and modifications for Inkbunny. Check out the best Inkbunny Hacks, Apps, Scripts and Mods, as well and instructions on creating your own with the Inkbunny API!


Got a brilliant idea that you'd like to see implemented on Inkbunny? We're always looking for new things to add to the Inkbunny software. Contact us via the Support Ticket system. We'd love to hear about it!


Put your CPU to good use helping with medical research and more! Folding@home is a worldwide project that you can donate your idle CPU time to.

Inkbunny now has a Folding@home team!